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Dear Aaron,

From the moment we spoke, I could feel the warmth in your voice. You were always committed to making our simcha full of joy. We started by focusing on the dancing. Then, Hashem had other plans and without warning, there was to be no dancing. You still found a way to make our simcha special! You were family, working with me to make this event full of simcha! You brought a singer, you found us a band and your presence was critical! You always took care of us and took care to make the simcha continue. We are so grateful to you and look forward to the big party where the band will be front and center and the dancing will be in full swing!!!


Alan, Gittel and Miryl
July 1 2020
The Preserve -Jackson New Jersey

Reb Aaron,
I meant to text you yesterday, but forgot to. Mamish a HUGE Shkoyach for Tuesday night. Everything was amazing from the chuppah to the dancing, it was all A++. You guys made the simcha that much greater. And Shloime, wow, incredible. He nailed it. He should be zoche to such playlists many more times 😉. But really, thank you thank you thank you

Shua & Batya Naor
August 18 2020
Rockleigh country club

Thank you for an incredible job!! It was really something special!!!
We are so happy with the way it all turned out!
And Beri Weber was fantastic too!
We appreciate your incredible energy, organization and attention to details the entire night!
And also that meaningful vort you gave to us right before we walked Eitan down the aisle- really put us into the proper mindset!
Thanks so much for everything!
Hope to see you again soon!

Sari and Shlomo Drazin
February 16 2020
Hilton Meadowlands

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Aaron Teitelbaum Orchestra & Productions 718.256.7200 • 917.335.4144 • aarontproductions@gmail.com © Aaron Teitelbaum Productions 2017. Website by www.14minds.com