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Hi Mr. Teitelbaum !
I don’t know where to begin , the wedding was beyond words can describe and all because of you u ! U promised me a beautiful wedding and its more than words can describe! Im so grateful to know u and call u my family! The whole experience with u was amazing! Looking forward to sharing many more simchos with u !
Thank u for everything!

Leah & Sruly Brickman
November 8 2018
The Palace

Dear dear Aaron,
Thank you thank you sooooo much!
Everything was so special and amazing!
My kids were beyond happy

Allison & Alan Luckman
October 28 2018
Old Westbury Hebrew Congregation


Words can never convey my appreciation to you. You held my hand this entire year. You were a pillar of strength and guidance. You made the wedding be exactly my vision. It was balebatish yet cool, it was just perfect. Everything you did. Your help was incredible. Wishing you much hatzlacha and you should bring simcha to many more people, always.

Thank you again

Susan & Daniel Sklarin
October 28 2018
Old Westbury Hebrew Congregation

Dear Yisroel / Aaron,

Engagement , Chupah , Wedding. The three components to a young couples new life =’s Elevation.

WOW!!!!!!! you have orchestrated and redefined the finest recipe for that new beginning to attain new heights. You have composed the most “hartzig chupa” – The comments from “unzerer Olom” and those that are “not affiliated” – were off the charts.

The music, The respect, and the tears that were brought to the hundreds of guest are now memories that are etched on our flash drives, and smartphones for many years to come. The 28 pieces were so well coordinated – So balanced – So perfect.

It was done to bring us – The parents, and all our guests, to a higher level of sanctity – It did! The Philharmonic experience was done for us – and all participated and were transported to a new place in time – Yesteryear.

Shlomie Daskal – Simply – Perfection.

Aaron – The amount of work to the “details” – the way you communicated with me – The way you put me to ease, there are no words to describe your actions.

I felt like a real guest – at my own simcha!.

Yisroel – What can I say – You are the “Genius” and the greatest onov after ,,,,,,,

Thank you for your friendship after all these years – Thank you for putting your heart and soul into our wedding.

I can’t wait to hear and see the video so I can re-live every second of history and perfection.

Yours TrulyAhron & Shaindy Schachter
April 11 2018
Eden Palace

Here’s for a proper thank you: We really can’t thank you enough for everything. Everything was absolutely incredible- from the Chupa to the Dancing. I was even told the dinner music was done incredibly. Really can’t thank you enough; I (we) extremely appreciate your patience with everything and giving so much time when I’m sure there was a million other things going on and a million other weddings too. Can’t tell you how many people have came up to me telling me how Beautiful and Hartzig the Chupa was and how Leibidik and Geshmak the dancing was You certainly have to thank Ohad a million times for me because he truly was incredible and sang like it was his last ever. I didn’t have the Zchus to meet the Chevra from Yedidim but also please extend my sincere thanks- they really were incredible
Really- just thank you for everything- you really make a simcha, a simcha. Couldn’t have been happier with any small detail of the wedding
I’d say ‘all the best’; but iyH I’ll see you at many more Simcha’s to come in the future be’H

Judah Max & Raizy Dobrinsky
March 22, 2018
Terrace on The Park


I wanted to thank you for really bringing Judah Max & Raizy’s wedding on Thursday to an unimaginable level of sasson and simcha. While I need to admit the my thoughts and mind was not on the music during the chuppah, listing to some clips of it now show how much meaning it added to the chuppah, something that was extremely important to Judah Max & Raizy.

My thoughts, mind and body were on the music during the simcha reception dancing afterwards, and all is I can say is you blew it away, wow (Aharon would say it was off the charts which I agree with). I know the music was not the typical songs we all do nowadays, but your magnificent vocals, the sheer level of energy and enthusiasm brought the simcha to a level of joy and intensity that I could not have imagined. You kept us all going well past midnight, as if each dance was the first.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the wedding a pure simcha for the chosson, kallah and all those in attendance.

Aaron & Cindy Dobrinsky
March 22 2018
Terrace on The Park


Just a quick thank you for last night.

Ohad was off the charts great and the entire orchestra, Yiddim and Ohad together really made the simcha so much more laibadik and meaningful. Your really delivered for us and we thank you for helping guide what was not a typical chuppah and dancing set, and making it into an unforgettable, meaningful, fun and exciting simcha.

Shabbat Shalom.

Aaron &Cindy Dobrinsky
March 22, 2018
Terrace on The Park


I have no words for last night. It was a beautiful evening and your band and ohad of course made it !!!you really put so much into it and we are so thankful we loved every minute and we can’t wait to hear the sound track to relive it all. Thanks for everything and it’s so wonderful having you a part of our simcha as a band , a friend and best of all family!

May we continue to share only Simchas!

Ami & Yocheved Schwab
March 19 2018
Rockleigh Country Club

Hi Yisroel

I Can’t tell you In strong enough terms what a success the orchestra and all the music played and chosen was. I’m sure you already heard from Joe Blumenthal, how many people complimented him on the selections and on the music in general. People told me they felt they were at a concert during the procession and loved the music throughout the dinner. It seems the Ecuadorian band was also a hit. I loved the music.

It was wonderful and thank you for working so carefully with me to choose the proper pieces for our wedding.

Have a Chag Kasher Vesameach.

Gila Alpert
March 18 2018
Rye Town Hilton

Hi Aaron,

The party was fabulous and the music was absolutely perfect. Everyone was so happy and the dancing was going strong for a long time. There was a very leibidike feeling in the air and I have been flooded with emails and texts and phone calls about what an amazing time people had. I know the music made the event the success it was. Thank you so much and I look forward to working together in the future.

All the best,

Rabia & Oliver Mitchell

3-3-18 Jewish Center-NYC

Hi Aaron,
We meant to call u on Monday but never got to, We wanted to say thank you for an amazing night, you are the most professional person We ever met, and the nicest We ever met, We felt safe when you were around, as we knew you are on top of the game, you treated us like family, I’m looking at the videos people took, you ran the show like a tight ship. God bless you !!!
We are a fan of you !
Chaya & Ari Weitzner
2-11-18 the Capitale-NYC

Dear Aaron,

We just wanted to send you a heartfelt thank you for the most amazing wedding we could have ever dreamed of. You played such a huge part in making sure that our wedding was festive, joyful, and meaningful. We absolutely loved the music and how organized you were about the schedule. The night moved so seamlessly and we didn’t have to pause and worry for even a minute. We hope to share in many more smachot in the future.

Mali and Zac Jurkowski
2-11-18 The Capitale NYC

Hi Reb Aaron,
I just want to give you a tremendous Yasher Koach on the music at our wedding It was really quite beautiful, and we couldn’t have been happier. We just wanted to thank you and your team.
Thanks again for everything.
Ben Zion and Sarah Feld
January 28 2018, Marina Del Rey

Dear Aaron,

Thank you so much for an unbelievable wedding. The music was incredible, I rly think it was the best I’ve ever heard daskal, and the first dance was out of this world. Thanks for also guiding me right before I walked down, it really helped me a lot. I’m officially a spokesman for Aaron Teitelbaum, if anyone asks I’m saying go directly to you!

Avi & Michal Resnick
1-7-18 Old Westbury Hebrew Cong.

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Aaron Teitelbaum Orchestra & Productions 718.256.7200 • 917.335.4144 • aarontproductions@gmail.com © Aaron Teitelbaum Productions 2017. Website by www.14minds.com