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Hi Aaron,

We want to thank you again for making our Simcha the success that it was. After our first wedding with you, we were so pleased, had such a great time, got so many complements that it was the easiest decision to make, one call to you. Be’Ezrat Hashem when we will be ready again, it will be once more just one call to you. Yisroel Lamm, Matt Hill, Shimon Cramer and the whole crew were fantastic. Your very special words before the Chuppa were very touching, we will remember them and treasure them forever. We are so glad you were there with us for those beautiful moments. The entire production was beautiful, working with you was a pleasure from the song selections beforehand, the reception, the Chuppa, the music before the Chatan and Kalah came in and of course, the dancing after. Your sense of the people in the hall, the mood and flow of the wedding were superb. Every song selection was just right, arranged and performed beautifully. Not least, is our appreciation of the beautiful CD set after the wedding.
Best wishes, Julie and Shimon Bernfeld 12-09-12 Crystal Plaza-Livingston, NJ

Dear Aaron,
Thank you for arranging such a beautiful wedding spirit. We loved every minute and so did our guests. Your meaningful words before we walked our son down were inspiring.
May you continue your wonderful work of helping the jewish community with this honorable musical work.
Sharon & Avram Blumenthal 12-27-12 Rockleigh Country Club

Hey Aaron,
We just wanted to thank you again for everything at the wedding! It was an absolute pleasure working with you and you made everything so easy for us, from the meetings before the wedding to the actual procedure during the wedding. The music was fantastic both during the chuppah and dancing, and it wouldn’t have been the same without you and the orchestra!
Getting the CDs a week after the wedding was a complete surprise, and listening to it makes us feel like we’re back at the wedding.
Thanks again,
Alli and Noah Weichselbaum 11-25-12 Terrace On The Park

Dear Aaron,
Thanks so much for the cd’s. I’ve listened to them- actually, it’s hard to turn them off and go to work- and they are wonderful. Your band is great, as is Shimon Craimer. The chupa was beautiful! Thank you so much for everything.
Andy & Beverly Druck 11-04-12 Rockleigh Country Club

Hi Aaron,
Good morning. Hope all is well. Now that everything has calmed down a bit and we are settling in we would like to thank you for making our Simcha so beautiful. You and your team did such an incredible job, everything exceeding our expectations. Thank you so much for making our wedding so special and memorable. We can’t stop listening to the wedding cd, it came out great! We would highly recommend you to anyone looking for a phenomenal band. Thank you again!
Chad Sandler and Lauren (Glogower) 10-18-12 Surf Club

i just wanted to thank u for a terrific job at our daughter’s wedding, it was such a pleasure to work with you and I hope to use you in the future.
Sharon & Gary Glogower 10-18-12 Surf Club-New Rochelle

Thank you again for an amazing performance. People haven’t stopped talking about the music.
David & Chani Reichmann 10-15-12 Universal Hilton, Los Angeles, California

Dear Aaron,
Words do not express enough once again how truly pleased we all were at Alan & Leora’s wedding. You transformed our Simcha into something above & beyond our expectations. Your efforts in enhancing our children’s wedding was appreciated by us & noticed by all.
We look forward to sharing our future Smachot in good health for years to come. You have created an everlasting bond with us. Please thank Shloime Daskal again for an amazing & memorable job!
What an incredible voice he has!
Shana Tova! , Tammy & David Katz 09-09-12 Lake Terrace

Dear Aaron,
There are no words to describe how you made our simcha! Ups and downs and mood swings…you are always there for us. Thank you for your labor of love and patience. Thank you for producing a spectacular program that will stay in many peoples hearts and memories for a very long time. Please thank Yisroel Lamm for me, he is a treasure!
If I can help you in anyway in the future… just call.
Shana tova to you and your family
Fondly, Shira & Leslie Westreich and Family 08-23-12 Rockleigh Country Club

Our wedding was a dream! You cannot imagine the kiddish hashem shlomie daskal made- ppl were blown away.
Abby & Avi Mehler 08-12-12 HYATT CONVENTION CENTER, Denver, Colorado

Ezra and I cannot thank you enough for everything that you did and put together for our wedding on Thursday night. It was an absolute dream come true. All of your hard work shined through the whole night. People are still calling me about our chupah! We truly appreciated everything single aspect.
Thank you again
Ezra and Rayna Westreich 08-23-12 ROCKLEIGH COUNTRY CLUB

I know we are two months later but I just want you to know how often I listen to the CDs of the incredible music from the wedding and I cry every time. You made all my dreams come true and for that I can not thank you and your whole team Enough for. Please send my appreciation to everyone once again.
Rayna Rosenzweig 08-23-12 Rockleigh Country Club

Dear Aaron,
The messages keep reverberating: how beautiful the music was!!
Thank you so much.
Rabbi Hershel & Shoshanah Schachter 08-19-12 Ateres Charna

Dear Mr. Daskal,
Leah and I had about 25 non-Jewish Denver Health (DH) physicians and executives at the Avi-Abby wedding. While I don’t often engage in lots of extraneous emailing, I do feel impelled to share the following with you.

Earlier today, one of the most senior physicians at DH, who is a national leader in trauma, but is not Jewish, stopped by my office to relate how honored they were to be at the wedding and how enthralled they were with the “singer and the band.” He proceeded to tell me that he had never heard Jewish music, but the quality of voice and music was so superb, that he wondered where he might purchase some CD’s from this band.

Therefore, I wanted to use that encounter, from earlier today, as the impetus to express Leah and my sincerest appreciation to you, your band and all those connected with this production. Your efforts were stellar; the result was spectacular!!

We also wanted to once again express our deepest appreciation to Shlomo Fried for his many terrific suggestions, assiduous oversight, and his lifelong friendship towards the Mehler family. He is the one who made this connection with your band and also effectuated many other insightful ideas which helped make this wedding a truly memorable one.
Phillip & Leah Mehler 08-12-12 Hyatt Convention Center, Denver, Colorado

Dear Aaron,
Jay and I just wanted to thank you so very much for your incredible band and singer. The quality, distinctive style and ambience that was created last night at Abby and Avi ‘a wedding was incredible!!! The liebadick ruach was so outstanding! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making our simcha!!
May we only share in simchos,
Jay and Joyce Moskowitz 08-12-12 Hyatt Convention Center, Denver, Colorado

Thanks so much for the great music at our simcha last night. We all had a wonderful time and obviously, will remember the simcha forever. You and your band greatly enhanced our simcha.
With much gratitude,
Miriam and Izzy Salomon, Marina del Rey 07-04-12

Bob and I just wanted to let you know how amazing your band was at the wedding on Sunday. We are still dancing from the power of your orchestra. The affair was so leibidik and the crowd loved the music. It was never overly loud, it was strong and energizing for all the guests. Your special message to us as the chasan and his parents as we entered the chuppah was most profound and meaningful- if you ever think to leave music making(maybe rabbanus??!) you could definitely elevate others through your beautiful thoughts and words! It was truly a pleasure to plan and work with you. Thank you so much for making this day so special in our lives,
Melody Harris 07-01-12 Crest Hollow Country Club

Dear Aaron Teitelbaum and the whole orchestra,
We just wanted to thank you all so incredibly much for giving us unbelievable music for our chasana. We could not have asked for a better band and singer who showed such dedication to showing us and our family and friends a great time. We cannot tell you how much we appreciate you all making our chasana as special as it was. And thank you Aaron for all your hard work and dedication to giving us the chasana we always dreamed of.
We can’t thank you enough
Rachel and Gary Slochowsky 07-01-12 Marina del Rey

Dear Aaron,
You guys were amazing!!! U gave us everything… With “HEARTZ” as u like to say. Looking forward to the next & seeing you at Simchas.
Howard & Sherri Slochowsky 07-1-12 Marina del Rey

Hi! We have to tell you again, it was incredible last night! We have gotten so many comments about how amazing the music sounded!
Thanks again.
David & Daniella Liechtung 06-17-12 Marina Del Rey

The music was fantastic!!! That’s not just me! Those were comments I overheard of people speaking to my wife in the past couple of days. The second dance set was longer than usual and it was in-part because the crowd got the energy from the Ohad moskowitz and your Orchestra.!!!!
Yashar Koach and thanks so much,
Shlomie Liechtung 06-17-12 Marina Del Rey

Dear Aaron,
It Was ALL Amazing, The Music Was Great, Shlomie Daskal Was Spectacular And All Went Smoothly.
Thanks Again
Nancy & Charles Block  06-10-12 Terrace On The Park

Dear Aaron,
We just wanted to take the time to thank you for a job really well done. Guests who attended the wedding have not stopped complimenting us about how beautiful the wedding was in general, however, the compliments were usually followed by: “The music was UNBELIEVABLE!!” We came to you, as opposed to other bands, for a reason. You told us that the music would make or break the wedding, and that’s exactly what happened. You made our wedding into the beautiful event that everyone keeps telling us about. You gave attention to the minute details that often gets overlooked, yet made all the differences. Your presence at the wedding to ensure that the resulting effect would be smooth and perfect provided us with the sense of comfort and relief. Not only did you do exactly what we asked of you, but you took your own initiative to make it an even better and more “leibedik” wedding. You definitely went above and beyond the call of duty. Prior to the wedding, you were always available for every question that presented itself. You provided us with the time, even during often hectic times for you. It was extremely nice of you and to sit with us for 3 hours, a week before the wedding, to go over each and every song in detail. The Chupah was B’H one of the most beautiful Chupah’, that many of our guest ever attended. Your band played each song so beautifully; it enhanced the kedusha of chupah tremendously. At the wedding itself, you were able to combine the Ashkenaz with the Sephardi in all aspects of the wedding, making it a truly amazing experience and wedding for all.
Thank you for sending us the CD’s so quickly; we just cannot stop listening to them and reminiscing about our amazing wedding. We hope to Beezrat Hashem share in many more Simchas with you in the near future.
Thank you again,
Eli and Sara Akhavan 03-28-12 Glen Island Harbour Club

Dear Joe,
I just wanted to thank you so much for everything that you did for Leah and myself at the wedding. The planning was easy and quick, and the wedding was just amazing. You really enhanced out simcha and we just wanted to thank you for that.
All the Best,
Sam and Leah Lightstone 02-06-12 Venetian Catering, New Jersey

Dearest Rav Aaron:
I just listened to the sound tracks you were kind enough to send us. There are no words to express the joy of being able to relive the emotions, feelings and ruchnius of the wedding, time and time again. I am certainly not the first nor the last person to testify to the inner beauty and majesty that your musicians added to our simcha. I speak not only of the exceptional talent and how they worked together, but also of the Neshoma with which they played. As you know, all of my Zaidah’s traveled a very long distance from Gan Eden to join in our simcha. No doubt they returned to Gan Eden with much nachas knowing that the trip was well worth the effort, in no small part due to the Kedush of the music. Suffice it to say we are blessed to have shared this occasion with you and yours, one I will not soon forget. Va’Ani Tefila, that we join in simchos together in the not too distant future, particularly in the great simcha in Yerushalayim with your musical accompaniment in the Bais Hamikdash.
In appreciation, Zisha Novoseller 02-5-12 Terrace on the Park

Dear Aaron,
David and I wanted to express to you once again how absolutely incredible your orchestra was at our B’nai Mitzvah this past Sunday night. We have no words to describe to you how we feel about our simcha as a whole, and clearly you guys were at the center of it. The orchestra is one of the key factors in a celebration such as ours and you and your gang could not have been any better!! The feedback that we received was unanimous. You put your heart and soul into making our night the best- and it truly was spectacular!!! And Lipa…..WOW!!! He wowed us and the crowd!!! He was incredible!!!
Looking back and planning forward – we wouldn’t change a thing
. Thanks so much! Stay in touch, and hopefully we’ll see you before September 2014 (Adam’ Bar Mitzvah)
Love, Elana and David Schwartz 02-19-12 Temple Israel of Lawrence

Dear Aaron,
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you. Tonight was a masterpiece and the wedding was insanely leibadig. You went out of your way to make my brothers wedding amazing I am so speechless by your kindness. You are a very dear friend and I pray that you see nachas from your children and Bracha in all that you do.
Best wishes,
Yitzy Weinberg Toras Ahron  02-01-12 Lakewood, NJ

Dear Aaron and Yisroel,
I cant begin to thank you for all the effort that both of you put in to making our wedding on Jan 26th amazing!You understood the music I wanted and really captured every classical piece requested. SHLOIME daskal really sang from the heart and gave the Chuppah a very emotional touch. It is already three weeks since the wedding and we are still getting compliments on the orchestra and the musical pieces played. Thanking you from the bottom of my heart!
Barbra Hurwitz 01-26-12 Atrium- Monsey, NY

Dear Aaron & Yisroel,

I want to thank you both for beautiful music at our wedding! I can’t begin to tell you how many people are still coming over to me from my office, shul, some people who heard from other people – just to say how enjoyable and pleasurable the music was! You 2 really made the wedding so much more special!
Of simchos!
Avichai & Eisheva Muller 01-26-12 Atrium

Dear Aaron,
We received SO many compliments on the music last night-usually the first thing the people said was how beautiful the music was. From the bottom of my heart thank you. The strings were (as far as I am concerned) the perfect touch. Yumi Lowy did an outstanding job , He brought me to tears under the chupah. You did everything you promised you would do and you have my gratitude. It was truly a pleasure working with you and thank you for your help and guidance throughout this process. When it is your first, it can be a daunting task and your help was very much appreciated. Several epople have said it was the most spiritual chupah they had been to and we have you both to thank for that. May our paths cross again at simchas, and please feel free to use us as a reference should you need one.
With much gratitude,
Jamie & Dr. Daniel Schwartz 1-15-12 Marina del Rey

Hey Aaron,
Wow!!! A Superb job — you all truly brought you’re A-games Sunday night! Daskall (always!!) + cramer (+ avrami cohen) was really special-See you at the next simcha iy”h! Thanks again for everything…
Dovid and Samantha Cohen 01-08-12 Rye Town Hilton

Dear Aaron,
It is Wednesday morning and I am finally able to gather my thoughts and thank you for a most incredible evening. Julio and I came separately to the hall that morning. Before I left the house, I told him that once I see you, I know all will be fine. Needless to say, Sunday is like a big blur. I remember though going down to chuppah room before the wedding to take pics and seeing the huge stage, empty at the time, but ready for the band. And I knew then that we are in for a most beautiful chuppah. After pictures, I ran up with a friend of mine as the wedding was beginning, Julio was staying downstairs at chossons tish. We passed the entrance to the hall and I had to stop to breathe in the beauty of the music that was greeting our guests. I cannot begin to describe the chuppa music. But, since the wedding and especially at last nights sheva brachot that our friends made, everyone cannot stop talking about our beautiful chuppah. I remember exactly how I felt when I first heard your band as I sat at my cousins wedding. And that is exactly what I am hearing now. So many people have said that they just didn’t want the music to end. There are so many components to a beautiful simcha. BH we have a fabulous couple, each amazing individuals and now especially together. And as parents we all wanted them to have the most perfect wedding. You were a major factor in that picture perfect wedding. From the moment, we knew you were available that night, Julio and I knew it would be beautiful. Aaron, you exceeded all our expectations. Shloimie Daskall sang breathtakingly beautifully. And you know already how we love Yumi Lowy. And although we are still waiting to hear you actually sing, Aaron, you have brought music and friendship to our lives that we know will last a lifetime.
Iyh, may we continue to share in each other’s simchas.
Debbie and Julio Berger 01-01-12 Rye Town Hilton

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Aaron Teitelbaum Orchestra & Productions 718.256.7200 • 917.335.4144 • aarontproductions@gmail.com © Aaron Teitelbaum Productions 2017. Website by www.14minds.com